The answer is ROCK SOLID BELIEF! Sounds too simple right?

Please Answer this question before moving on!

Belief is SO important to building a strong and successful Network Marketing business. Belief in your product or service, in your company, in the profession, in YOURSELF.

Today we discuss the process. Everybody in Network Marketing Profession needs belief. Belief comes in 3 stages.

Stage 1 is FAITH – Imagination, being able to see something in your life before it becomes realin your life.

Stage 2 HOPE – Once you get past faith, you start to fill up with hope… You start to feel like maybe this is possible for me.

Stage 3 BELIEF – After you get past the Hope stage, you come to rock solid belief.

The secret–– Before you get to belief you have to act as if you’re living in belief. That’s what will allow others to have belief in you. You have to act strong even if you don’t feel strong.

Borrow my belief in you. I know if you are involved in this industry; you are heroic; you’re a dreamer you’re a non-conformist.

Watch this video of training that Tony Robbins and Frank Kern and John Reese had together…

Please let me know you’re ALIVE by posting a comment below.

Here are 75 reasons why you should drink Vemma which contains Mangosteen “The Queen of Fruits.”

1- It strengthens the immune system. The flavonoids and flavones boost other antioxidents, including vitamin C & E to a more protective level.

2 – Combats inflammation. Helps prevent tissue swelling which can lead to many debilitating diseases and conditions. The xanthones in mangosteen improve the body’s cell to cell communication to light disease from attacking and spreading. It also speeds up healing and repair.

3 – Xanthones have been shown to thwart DNA damage, lowering risks from carcinogens and mutagens.

4 – Aids the lymphatic system to eliminate cell waste.

5 – Mangosteen’s energy boosting ability helps overcome low thyroid conditions.

6 – Xanthones can help normalize blood sugar levels, which reduces insulin resistance.

7 – Helps lower body fat. Balances cortisol which can stimulate fat deposits in various parts of the body.

8 – Heals nerve damage. The anti-neuralgic and anti-inflammatory properties help repair cellular damage that causes neurological pain and discomfort, including diabetic neuropathy.

9 – Balances the endocrine system

10 – Favorably affects the balance of hormones and other neurochemicals produced by the endocrine system.

11 – Aids body synergy. Mangosteen’s disease, microbial-fighting abilities and immune system strengthening qualities empower the entire body.

12 – Reduces hemorrhoids. Alleviates the pain and swelling caused by inflammation

13 – Helps alleviate hypoglycemia. Counters fatigue brought on by low blood-sugar levels.

14 – Relieves psoriasis. Xanthones can help detoxify the liver, which can cause psoriasis.

15 – Helps heal lesions. Promotes rapid healing of topical wounds.

16 – Reduces pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. Stops hand and wrist pain by reducing inflammation.

17 – Relieves neurodermatitis. Mangosteen’s anti-inflammatory properties counteract this scaly and itching skin disorder.

18 – Helps prevent heart disease. Xanthones neutralize free radical damage which may play a role in the inflammatory process.

19 – Strengthens blood vessels. Improves the flow of nutrients to the body’s cells.

20 – Lowers LDL cholesterol. Since mangosteen inhibits free radical damage, it may help reduce LDL oxidation in the blood.

21 – Reduces high blood pressure. Mangosteen’s ability to strengthen heart muscles and help you lose weight may lead to lower blood pressure.

22 – Helps prevent arteriosclerosis. The anti-inflammatory effect may reduce plaque buildup in the artery walls

23 – Helps overcome acid reflux disease. (GERD) Mangosteen’s antioxidants may help protect and repair the lower esophagus damaged by gastro-esophageal reflux disease, or GERD. Its acid-suppression effects may reduce stomach content acidity.

24 – Helps heal ulcers. Xanthones kill bad bacteria fungi and parasites, including H-pylori, the ulcer causing bacteria.

25 – Relief for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Blocks IBS-causing serotonin in the digestive system.

26 – Helps stop diarrhea. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of the rind of pericarp can stop diarrhea.

27 – Can relieve Crohn’s disease. The anti-inflammatory properties can prevent the malabsorption of vital nutrients by preventing damage to the walls of the small intestine.

28 – May prevent diverticulitis. Can prevent infections in the pockets that form in the lining of the colon.

29 – Boosts energy levels. Improves resilience and increases stamina. Mangosteen’s nutrients provide needed energy.

30 – Slows the aging process. Mangosteen’s regenerative nutrients and strong antioxidants keep cells operating optimally.

31 – Helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s. The flavonoids in mangosteen can stop simple memory loss.

32 – Helps prevent kidney stones. The alkaline quality of mangosteen helps neutralize stone forming acids in the body.

33 – Helps prevent Parkinson’s disease. The antioxidant qualities prevent oxidation, a factor in Parkinson’s.

34 – Reduces pain from arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effect can reduce pain.

35 – Repairs damage from 1,1SA1D use. Mangosteen has been shown to block the H1 and H2 receptors (histamine molecules linked to allergies and the production of stomach acid) Naturally, its anti-inflammatory properties may reduce stomach cid and protect the stomach lining from acid damage.

36 – Aids in eye function. The antioxidant abilities protect cells from the oxidative damage that leads to aging and disease.

37 – Lowers fever. By fighting inflammation, offering immune system support and hydration.

38 – Fights food poisoning. Xanthones can destroy Salmonella typhus.

39 – Soothes sore throats

40 – Helps heal mouth and canker sores the natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal ability combats the pathogens that can cause these sores

41 – Fights bad breath. Antibacterial properties help fight bad breath caused by bacteria.

42 – Helps lessen migraines. Mangosteen can potentially correct abnormal serotonin functions in blood vessels that lead to migraines.

43 – Relieves tooth ache pain

44 – Acts as a natural sleep aid. Helps balance hormones, which aids in balancing the sleep cycle.

45 – Improves ability to deal with stress. Helps balance hormones like cortisol, which is overproduced during stress.

46 – Improves mood and reduces depression. Acts as a “mood elevator” by correcting brain chemical imbalances.

47 – Aids muscles and joint health. Pain can be reduced by the anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen.

48 – Helps clear acne and skin blemishes. The detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen.

49 – Treats bug bites, burns and poisonous plant contact. When made into a paste, the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can relieve pain and swelling.

50 – Relieves sprained and strained muscles and ligaments.

51 – Relieves bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia. Mangosteen’s anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect can reduce the frequency of lung infections and other pulmonary diseases.

52 – Relieves stomach aches. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties relieve stomach aches caused by bacterial infections.

53 – Works as a decongestant. Mangosteen’s anti-inflammatory properties help as a decongestant.

54 – Helps prevent male infertility. Mangosteen’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant strengths can counter infertility due to stress, pollution and free radical-related factors.

55 – Helps prevent prostate enlargement. The antioxidant punch of mangosteen’s xanthones may be power weapon in the fight against an enlarged prostate.

56 – Relieves urinary difficulties. The rind from mangosteen can relieve cystitis caused by bacterial infection.

57 – Offers a gentle laxative effect. Unlike harsh laxatives that irritate the bowels, it heals and unblocks areas of bowel restriction.

58 – Minimizes PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome)

59 – Relieves menopause symptoms. Removes stress from the body and helps maintain adequate levels of estrogen, thus lowering the effects of menopause

60 – Reduces menstrual swelling. The anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen may counteract this bothersome side effect of PMS>

61 – Reduces pain from fibromyalgia. Exhibits a neurological pain reducing effect.

62 – Reduces pain from osteoporosis. Mangosteen’s neurological pain-reducing effects can offer relief from osteoporosis.

63 – Helps relieve asthma. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect can reduce the frequency of lung infections and other pulmonary diseases.

64 – May prevent ADHD and food allergies. Studies have found a strong connection between hyperactive behaviour and food allergies. Mangosteen sotps antigen/antibody reactions and reduces the body’s allergic reactions. It may also help reduce lead in children’s bodies which is linked to ADHD

65 – Builds stronger teeth and bones. Mangosteen aids in the efficient conversion of sunlight to vitamin D

66 – Prevents gum disease. The anti-bacterial effect helps prevent gum disease.

67 – Combat tuberculosis. Xanthones can overpower the bacteria responsible for causing TB

68 – Reduces lactose intolerance side effects. Mangosteen’s anti-inflammatory ability can reduce side effects such as bloating and abdominal cramps.

69 – Helps prevent dysentery. Effectively fights Shigella, the bacterium that causes bacillary dysentery and the amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery.

70 – Helps prevent multiple sclerosis (MS) Balances levels of tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin and prevents oxidative damage.

71 – May thwart cancer. Xanthones have demonstrated anti-tumor properties in leukemia, liver, stomach, and lung cancer, breast cancer and colon neoplasm’s

72 – Relieves Ankylosing Spondytitis (AS). Can relieve the causes of holes in the mucosa 1 membrane, strengthening the body’s defenses

73 – Helps prevent cystic fibrosis (CF) infections by preventing excess mucus found in CF

74 – Prevents lupus-related symptoms. Anti-inflammatory and autoimmune strengthening qualities can help lubus symptoms.

75 – Counteracts Mysthenia Gravis. Counteracts the symptoms of this auto immune disease by strengthening the immune system.

An update for those who follow my sucess with Vemma!

I have now been with Vemma just over 8 months and I have to say WOW!  What I have learned in the past 8 months has been incredible! I would pay hundreds of dollars just for the personal development I have gained alone.  My Team now consists of  1,617 people.  I still have a massive power leg that drives me everyday to build my profit leg larger and larger.  This is a common problem with binary compensation plans but I love it in how it motivates you to keep building knowing that half the work is done and that rank advancing will be quick with the momentum we have now!   I have finally found some very motivated people and have teamed up with some natural leaders.  Our Military team is on fire with Huge teams growing in Okinawa Japan and across the United states.  I have had a few profitable months and this month has been the largest and I am on track to hit Gold!  I will be 100% profitable from this point forward and that really gives me some peace of mind!  The extra income has sure been a relief for my family and I.  Although it has taken a bit longer for me to get to this point than I had anticipated I have no regrets at all!  A real business takes time to grow and now that the foundation is in place the real momentum is starting to build!  If you are reading this and are skeptical about Vemma I encourage you to contact a brand partner who has been in the business 6+ months and really find out what it takes to be successful!  One thing I have found in my business it the more you show people how much work it will really take the more they actually want to do it and the more prepared for what lies ahead!  Some will build a business faster and some will take more time but the truth is if you follow the system and work on your business everyday it will sooner or later take a foot hold and start to grow!  Never ever give up!  2 years from now you will look back and be so thankful you stuck it out!  I love my team and I love what I do!  Money is just a bonus!

What if Watching a 5 minute Video could change your life FOREVER?

With or with-out you this is working!  Why not take 5 Minutes of the time you spend online reading Facebook posts or Pinning stuff on Pinterest and watch this video my team put together.  I promise you this…If this is the first time you are hearing about this concept, it will not be the last.  If I am the first to tell you about it, I will not be the last.  Some of your friends WILL get on board with us and they will come to you in the next few months and offer you the opportunity to join them.  Why not start now?  Why not take a thorough look into this now and find out if its relevant to you or not?

Puget Sound Vemma Chill and Grill June 26th!

Puget Sound!! Coming to YOU, ALLLLLL they way from MONTANA!! WEDNESDAY NIGHT!! ****EXECUTIVE TEAM LEADER, Jordan Waldo!!!!**** Call people, call people, call people!!! Who do you all know there!? Pack the frickin’ house for this guy!! He will ROCK YOUR WORLD!!!!

Hosted By: Keegan and Jennifer Wulf
948 Neil St NE, Apt 39, Lacey, WA 98516

7-9pm; Get there early to Mix and Mingle!!!
Free Food!
Free Verve!
Priceless Opportunity!

**Share with everyone you know who knows people in the Puget Sound!! Keegan is going to BLOW THAT MARKET UP!!!

Grill and chill

Limited time Offer : Join today with a builder Pack and receive $75 Cash Back!

545241_468345493227692_863491208_nLimited time Offer : Join today with a builder Pack and receive $75 Cash Back!  http://joinvtr.vemma.com

For a limited time enroll using the above link and I will give you $75 Cash back in the form of a Paypal payment when you join our team with a builder pack!  The Benefits of a builder pack is:

1) Purchase product at a slight discount, “below wholesale” as Tom says

2) Qualifies them for additional compensation for purposes of the Momentum Bonus.  Purchasing a Silver or Gold Pack qualifies them for being paid as a Cycle qualifying Silver (double) or Gold (triple) Momentum Bonus and “Flagged as” a Cycle Qualifying Silver or Gold for the first 90 days from date of enrollment! (Note: purchasing a bod-e Transformation Pack does not qualify you for additional Momentum Bonus compensation.)

3) Purchasing a Silver Pack qualifies them for additional compensation for purposes of the Frenzy Bonus!

4) Purchasing a Silver Pack, within their first 60 days of enrolling, qualifies them for additional compensation for purposes of the BMW Platinum Bonus!

Please go to your back office under Events & Training, Compensation and print out the Compensation PDF for further qualification requirements on the above bonuses.

5) Gets them started with an assortment of plenty of product to consume for (1) personal use, (2) to share with others  Explain to them how a married couple (with no kids) could go through 7-8 cases of product per month! (See how below.)

6) The more product that they have on hand, the greater the sense of urgency they will have to move the product.

7) Gives them a small inventory to help their new Members get started with product. (Explain how you front them their first order then get your product replaced when their order comes in.)

8) They get tools; Both the Silver and Gold Builder Packs come with a Success Kit; Brochures, CD’s & DVD’s.  All of these tools and product is like getting started, as BK says, with a Business in a Box!

9) By starting with a Builder Pack they will stay more motivated with extra product on hand if they come upon personal challenges. Meaning, if they only start with one or two cases or packs and they don’t get going with their business quickly, they have a lesser chance of later buying a Builder Pack.

10) They are automatically on auto-delivery. Note: you should find out what product they will need the most and adjust their auto-delivery for them, via their back office, accordingly.

11) If they start with a Gold Builder Pack for $999.95 and use this for business promotion, this is a deductible business expense. Most people are in a combined (Federal 25% and State 5%) 30% tax bracket. So you receive an additional 30% discount off of the cost of the Builder Pack which makes a Gold Builder Pack actual cost approximately only $700 !!!

12) And you get discounts on the cost of Builder Packs versus purchasing everything individually!

The Police Confiscated my Verve – is this legal?

Ok so now that I got your attention to come check out my blog I will tell you a true but funny story that happened last night.  While on my way home from my full time job I was on one of most inspirational training calls to date with my team.  As I came into the town I live in I noticed a Cop was following me.  I knew I had not been speeding so thought nothing of it.  Moments later the flashing blue lights came on and I was like WTF did I do?  So I pulled over and waited.  The police officer approached my car and said that I had not fully stopped at the stop sign a couple of intersections ago and that it was just now getting dark enough that I really needed to turn on my headlights!  I am still got the training call on Bluetooth not wanting to miss a word,  I turn it down a bit and the officer says “I’m not going to give you a ticket but I do need to call in your drivers license.”   After doing so and nothing coming up I decided to seize the opportunity to introduce verve to the officer.  I asked him how many officers in the department consumed energy drinks.  He thought about it for a moment and said “over half”.  I Handed him my business card and explained that I had a side business promoting a healthy alternative to Red Bull and Monster.  I handed him a can and explained the health benefits to switching to Verve.  Who knows we just might have the police department on our team soon!1025409_10201387320864151_1846886559_o