An update for those who follow my sucess with Vemma!

I have now been with Vemma just over 8 months and I have to say WOW!  What I have learned in the past 8 months has been incredible! I would pay hundreds of dollars just for the personal development I have gained alone.  My Team now consists of  1,617 people.  I still have a massive power leg that drives me everyday to build my profit leg larger and larger.  This is a common problem with binary compensation plans but I love it in how it motivates you to keep building knowing that half the work is done and that rank advancing will be quick with the momentum we have now!   I have finally found some very motivated people and have teamed up with some natural leaders.  Our Military team is on fire with Huge teams growing in Okinawa Japan and across the United states.  I have had a few profitable months and this month has been the largest and I am on track to hit Gold!  I will be 100% profitable from this point forward and that really gives me some peace of mind!  The extra income has sure been a relief for my family and I.  Although it has taken a bit longer for me to get to this point than I had anticipated I have no regrets at all!  A real business takes time to grow and now that the foundation is in place the real momentum is starting to build!  If you are reading this and are skeptical about Vemma I encourage you to contact a brand partner who has been in the business 6+ months and really find out what it takes to be successful!  One thing I have found in my business it the more you show people how much work it will really take the more they actually want to do it and the more prepared for what lies ahead!  Some will build a business faster and some will take more time but the truth is if you follow the system and work on your business everyday it will sooner or later take a foot hold and start to grow!  Never ever give up!  2 years from now you will look back and be so thankful you stuck it out!  I love my team and I love what I do!  Money is just a bonus!